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Please help us raise £800,000 to create a new, dedicated breast cancer unit at the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital.
Why do we need a new unit?
The current NNUH breast cancer unit handles all referrals of suspected breast cancer from GPs – a number which has almost doubled in the past five years.
It is where women (and men) undergo the range of procedures that determine if a lump is cancerous and, if so, where their treatment plan begins.
With one in eight women set to develop breast cancer in their lifetime, the existing unit is struggling to keep us with demand.
Over the past five years, the current breast cancer unit has seen an 80% increase in patient numbers (645 referrals per month in 2018, compared to 360 in 2012)
This means the current breast cancer clinic is now unable to provide a same-day diagnosis service to all patients
At the NNUH, we want to offer this service to all to reduce stress and anxiety for patients
The technology and equipment a new unit would offer would provide diagnosis on the day, avoiding the need for patients to return for additional scans or for their results.
The NNUH specialist breast cancer team urgently needs a larger, dedicated unit to provide even better, quicker and more dignified treatment to a predicted 7,000 local women each year and a small number of men (from 2019 and beyond).
A positive impact for breast cancer patients
The new centre will provide faster diagnosis and treatment. Same-day diagnostic tests combined with clinical and imaging assessment will mean patients only need to attend clinic once.
An enhanced environment. Purport-built, spacious waiting, diagnostic and treatment rooms. Counselling rooms for women with a breast cancer diagnosis.
Better experience for patients with fewer days of anxiety while patients wait for results.
How you can help make it happen
Organise a fundraising event
Choose the Boudicca Appeal as you organisation’s Charity of the Year.
To find out more email [email protected] or call 01603 287107.